Tag: adventure travel blog

No Matter What You Do In Life, Do More (And Possibly Quit Your Job)

I made a decision to ride a bicycle through Africa in late 2013 and it changed everything I thought I knew about life. Having spent countless hours fantasizing all year about reaching the Great...

The True Meaning Of A Journey | BLOG#14

A couple of years ago my life was the definition of chaos. A self-destructiveness had embedded itself  since both parents had passed away. Ashamedly, I used this as an excuse to be selfish...

Cycling Wildlife Corridors: What do you really want to do in life? | BLOG#7

Change: The Process of becoming Different I purposely avoided posting anything at New Years, there’s too much reading going around about giving up smoking, drinking less and losing weight. This has always confused...

The Elephant & the biggest risk of all | BLOG#6

Riding a bicycle in Africa through a National park known for dangerous animals such as Lion and Leopard was not included on most people’s to-do list for 2013 but it popped up...

Why I’m cycling across Africa with Forrest Gump | BLOG#1

Leaving Cape Town in South Africa, cars pulled up alongside asking how far I was planning to cycle. I came close to falling off at the distraction each time. The people who...

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