Travelers backpacking Africa and having fun on an overland tour

African Overland Tours and Safaris - Advice from a Tour Leader

Welcome to my blog for Backpacking Africa. I worked as an overland tour leader in Africa for many years. This website should help you decide between the best overland tours in Africa and what to expect on the trip. I have also created a section for travel insurance and pre-trip accommodation. To get started, click on Start Here or pick a destination in the menu or perhaps jump straight into the action with one of the following posts:

Africa Trips for Couples: Advice from a Tour Leader

When I think of my favorite Africa trips for couples, I always think of a private safari in Tanzania. I say this because there's...

Latest Stories

What to Pack for an Overland Tour in Africa (Updated 2024)

Are you wondering what to pack for an overland tour in Africa? You will not need a fire-starter on an, nor will you need a compass, an emergency blanket or the loudest...

When is the best time to visit the Serengeti? (or the Masaai Mara)

Considering the question of when is the best time to visit the Serengeti? It's usually one of the first questions a person will ask when travelling in search of wildlife or the...

Micro Guide on Where to Stay in Malawi

In terms of where to stay in Malawi, there are many great campsites and lake side lodges up and down the country, but it’s hard to know which one to choose because...

Where to stay in Naivasha town

When I first began researching the best place to stay in Navaisha town, I was not expecting anything luxurious or ultra comfortable. That being said, the one thing I insist upon is...

About the eVisa for Kenya & Arriving in Nairobi Airport

As you may know, I worked as an overland tour leader in Africa for many years. For this reason, I am often asked about planning trips to Africa and specifics such as how to...

How to Get From Nairobi to Lake Naivasha by Bus

Are you wondering how to get from Nairobi to Lake Naivasha by bus? Let me help you. In the five years that I have spent backpacking Africa, Lake Naivasha is the one place to...

No Matter What You Do In Life, Do More (And Possibly Quit Your Job)

I made a decision to ride a bicycle through Africa in late 2013 and it changed everything I thought I knew about life. Having spent countless hours fantasizing all year about reaching the Great...

The True Meaning Of A Journey | BLOG#14

A couple of years ago my life was the definition of chaos. A self-destructiveness had embedded itself  since both parents had passed away. Ashamedly, I used this as an excuse to be selfish...